Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Butterfly Millionaire Club: Welcome To Your Financial Destiny

 Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a successful millionaire? Has reading all the self-help books still led you to an on-going pile of student loans? 

 The Butterfly Millionaire is my ultimate attestant to commitment to a Healthy Financial Life. It is a Financial Journey you can take in less than 9 months; instantly clearing all bad financial karma, insignificance, fear of failure, as well as other mental obstacles that keep you stuck in poverty. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

You Cannot Come Back From A Divorce, or Ugly Truths Of Life

 You cannot change the result of bad actions, taken upon impulses, dreams of a better partner or hopes to escape current dissatisfaction. You cannot leave a relationship without hurting or permanently leaving your mark.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Living On LaLa Land

 I can go uncultured by society, if I give them exactly what they need. I have come to know how socio-economic barriers can come in the way of any noble goal, including our quest to find ever-lasting peace and solace in the arms of another. 

Does this mean I should pick up a Tasbeeh, and become indulgent in prayer as a Muslim Woman? The answer does not always depend on Allah (SWT), once we go past the the 5 Daily Prayers.

I have a lot to say about La La Land, and how the movie shaped me. How all roles fell apart at the seam.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Art Is About Nurturing The Other Creative

The Evolution of Ikea In Pop Culture

 One can only find out answers if they they go full Tyler.  Just, minus the 12-Steps and Sobering Remarks. 

Have you explored Ikea Lately? What it's nuances and descriptions can do for your Head and Heart? The oh-so-precious sobering breaths that we all ache for. The ones our inner selves cannot have all the time. It's the one's I despise the most. So in I go, running rampant through the Isles of Ikea, like they are the pinnacle of my organizational pleasure. 

Books I Want To Read As A Feminist:

 1. Being A Woman - Toni Grant 

2. The Mermaid And The Minotaur - Dorothy Dinnerstein


Monday, June 21, 2021

Shayad Yeh Bhi Hades Thi. Khuda Pak Janay.

How To Protect Your Heart As A Muslim

 1. Lose The Extra Weight:

Spiritual Fasts: These Fasts Help Add Immense Feelings

 We all know the type; Perfectionists. Isn't it beautiful how we can all come back to ourselves. Like an Artist. We know ourselves as Easel with expiry date. Yet, we fail to sustain ourselves in that image. We become stuck on the past, including mistakes we have made. 

Thankfully, one way I found out of a burden of guilty feelings was to start honouring and making room for new feelings. Better feelings with more weight and mileage. Ones that could sustain me in lonely hours of the night, where nothing would comprise for the hunger inside of me. To feel and love like a child. A little Baby with a bundle of love, care and warmth. So I cling to Spiritual Fasting, as a way to nourish my Rooh, into seeing the Glorious Promises, and how they are built on the hard work of today. 

Spiritual Fasts: These Fasts Involve The Permission Of Allah (SWT)

More DIY Tips:


1. For All You Fellow Dancers: Make Dancing  Socks out of the sleeves of your old sweaters. 

2.  You can make your own body chain out of old necklaces. 

3. Stick to Dollar Value Socks. Better yet, Stitch/Sew Your own socks of previously used lace. This way you avoid buying those costly DIY Arts & Crafts Kits which usually end up costing a fortune. 

4.  Make your own Deodorant.

5. Tie-Dye Previous Socks to make them into an Accessory.

6. You only need one dress with a thigh-high split. Trust me Sweetie, I learned the hard way. These men are not worth impressing in expensive ways. Ugh, even though you might love Eryka Jane so much for helping you become a luxury indulgent bonafide con-woman. Or, even if you are facing hard-coming, unstoppable whimsies of your torturous adulthood right in the middle of acting lessons, there's only so much money you can spend on a dress.

7. Use your old scarves as t-shirts, rather than spending $15 on a single t. 

Courting Like You Mean It: My Adventures As A Machiavelli

How To Feel Enough

 Live In Every City, from London To Rome: 

1. L.A: Eat like your Bikini Bod is always on the line. Because it is. 

2. New York, N.Y: Watch Saturday Night Live Every Night. 

3. Chicago: Bicycle right past the bridges you will burn on your way to success. 

4. Tokyo: Isn't that the same as Japan? [Cue *Tokyo Drift Fast and The Furious Remix blaring over the speakers]

5. ?

Friday, June 18, 2021

RedKen: A Thundra of Colour

 I am like a Barbie. Except I am also Ken. 


Hydration Woes: My Skin Is The Biggest Organ In My Body. And Yours too!!

 Hence, I use the following pre-cautions to cast off aging woes:- haunting the echoes of my bones as a Feminist 21st Century Rebel. 

1. Wearing Non- Comedogenic Babe 

2. Antibacterial 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide Lotion for your face. 

3. Not Popping Zits. 

4. Deep Cleansing My Pores Everyday. 

5. Always using a Humidifier. 

6. Wiping the phone with alcohol pads so as to remove dirt/possibility of cross-contamination. 

7. Using Unscented Soap 

8. Including Alpha Hydroxy Acid in Beauty Treatments. 

9. Elizabeth Arden Mattee Moisture Lotion + EA Oil-Control Refining Cleanser

How To Deliver An Amazing Customer Service Experience:

  This one is a biggie. For all us retail junkies alike. 

We all fantasise for the day we get to run retail. Many tips but a few to start: 

1. Make The Buying Experience More Streamlined. 

2. Be Even Nice than You Think You Should Be. 

3. Value Customer Loyalty Discreetly.

4. Perfect The Call Of The Register. Cha-ching! Cha-ching! Cha-ching!

Customer Service Is The New Marketing. Even for the Haters around the Retail Blocks


This Is Death Of A Salesman


Saturday, May 22, 2021

How To Beat A Serial Killer

 Day 2 of Learning. 

Sequencing, Sequencing and Sequining my heart off to this <3 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Stop Holding Other People Back:

Men Are Not My God!

Breaking The Jezebel Curse: Make Due With The Emotional Resources You Have Within The Marriage

Don't Forget To Print Your Dua's For Istagfar and Forgiveness

The Psychotic Flame


Psychotic Flames are perhaps one of our life's biggest Spiritual Undertakings, so as to accept another person without Judging them. They have a lot to teach us about Humility. In a busy society, thriving on Population Control Policies, we might not get these lessons. Growing up, we usually don't get these lessons. 

1. They don't like holding space for others.

2. Their Kindness cannot be exploited. 

3. They usually have a lot of Emotional Baggage, or an addiction to accumulating it. 

4. Their Nervous System is easily triggered. 

5. They will actively exploit every moment. 

The Sooli Flame ?

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Friday, April 16, 2021

What Role Do Women Play In Islamic Leadership?

Should There Be More Sects In Islam?

Allah Is The Real Narcissist

 Narc? Nope, Nope, Nope.

Absolutely Not.

But have you ever reflected on this notion in it's Full Entirety. We pray to a Narcissistic God. An Absolute Tyrant with no Real Agenda but to control. And whilst we are busy exploring this notion of God's qualities as a Tyrannical God, we are missing out on essential time reflecting on the 99 Names Of Allah. 

Do Not Ask Your God For Anything

Picking Our Spiritual Mother: Not Everyone Wanted Khadija

 This is a remarkable story about Khadija. And how many people picked her as a Spiritual Mother. Often, many others did not. As a matter of fact, even her own Mother Always Chose Her Own Spiritual Teacher.


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Bumble Is The New Marketing

 Silicon Valley would have us disagreeing, but I think So. Bumble is now officially the New Marketing. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Flames: Sun Flame

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Flames: Moon Flame

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Flames: Star Flame

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Flames: Gabriel's Muse


Sakinama, for the tulips are blossoming and Spring's Arrival.

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Flames: Lohri Flames



The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Flames: Eternity Flame

       Eternity to me, will always be an Ad. Just like the dozens of advertisement on Billboards on every Highway. Eternity is not up for sale or rebuttal. It is a way to Eternal Salvation. The Eternity Flame is a person, who completes our cynicism with their Ethereal Connection to us. They are deceased persons that call out to us from the Other Side (1). They want us envision Heaven in all it's fullness, so as they help us stay entered with God and His Promise Of Eternity in Mind. The Eternity Flame is not Perfect. This is because Eternity is only a concept we believe in, when we have nothing and no-one left. When we have lost the Dreams we grew up with as Kids. 

Eternity Flames can be characterised by their ability to make us feel loved, cared for, nurtured, safe and protected at every step of the Journey of Life. This is, if we out in the proper work and tend to our Afterlife. To be able to absorb Eternity. we need to accumulate enough experience and heartache, which will lead us to appreciate Eternity and the Flame that brings it to us. 

Signs You Have Met Your Eternity Flame: 

As mentioned earlier, Eternity Flames are usually our mothers or authority figures in Religion. They can also be lovers, famous people in history, or our favourite Psychic. Eternity Flames don't exist for themselves. They live in a state of utter Devotion, Service To Humanity and Compassion For The People Who Are Suffering through Life's Tragedies. They can show up for us in a multitude of ways. They are sometimes referred to as "Our Guardian Angels". However, the concept of Eternity Flames is in fact, more Eternal than a single moment of suffering. 

Additional signs of An Eternity Flame: 

1. They are Super Intelligent.

2. They are Very Empathic, and need constant rest and reestablishment of their healthy Eco-System. 

3. They are Very Idealistic. 

4. They have a negative tendency to attract Chaos. Eternity Flames thrive on Chaos, because it presents them a chance to honour Eternity, through lessons, hymns, Rhymes Of Reason and unconditional love towards the suffering. 

5. They are Very Reliable and Very Strong; Archetypes of our Favourite SuperHero Comic Book Characters.

Lesson # 1: Senseless

Most of the times, what the Eternity Flames teach us seems Senseless. At times, it might even feel like they are Speaking In Tongues. These individuals are very Intense. They don't come back to earth to hand-out "Free Preachers" for our convenience. They don't arrive for our convenience. Their time is very limited. God expects us to Honour Their Time and Emotional Sphere, which is not something to be owned by any human. Whenever you have an experience with an Eternity Flame, it will show up in your brain and heart, as a forward moving rhythm. It is their way of moving you close to your final destination; The Afterlife. They also leave footprints on your soul, in doing so. Some of us may attest to this experience. We might find the Eternity Flame to be simply an Ad. I encourage you to always reflect back on the time you shared with your Eternity Flame, as a way to make sense of how they reached the State of Eternity themselves, and why they want the same for their CounterPart. 

Lesson # 2: The More Traumatic The Death, The More Peaceful Your Eternity Flame Will Be. 

Lesson # 3: People Are Strangers

Lesson # 4: Crazy Train 

Lesson # 5: The Circus Never Stops

Lesson # 6: God Is A Mystery

Lesson # 7: Fighting for God is Harder Than Fighting For Love, Life or Democracy

Lesson # 8: The Shadow Self Promises Darkness Even In The Afterlife: 

Lesson # 9: Happiness is a Promise of The Eternal Life: 

It is the Eternity Flame, out of all the flames that push us toward accepting the ever-lasting unconditional promise of God. The Death of a Human Being should symbolize Eternal Happiness. However, the Eternity Flame often falls short of their Goal of doing so. They are prone to their own limitations, often placed on them through their own destiny, which continues way into the After-Life.  

Lesson # 10: They connect us to Angels and Demons. This is not done by force, or to perform. Eternity Flames do this to preserve our space in the next life. 

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Flames: The High Priestess

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Flames: Goddess Flame

A Muslim Perspective on Hail Mary

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Growth Flames: On The River Flame

 This flame is Special to me. It is a person who pushes you to the edge of your emotional landscape. This person helps you explore the rich vastness of one's inner depth and emotions, without trampling on them. 

There are so many lessons that I have learned from my River Flame. It is a journey where I discover more of myself emotionally, as compared to through pure mechanical ways of relating to myself and society. 

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Growth Flames: Jahannam Flame

 This person is our biggest motivator to stay away from HellFire. Their actions only light the path to more sin and evil, along the gradient of sexual promiscuity, abusiveness, exploitation and lack of boundaries. They have no desire to improve, unless it is through God alone. They are mostly tyrannical, and unable to see others grow and become the person they want to be. These type of people don't deserve praise or recognition, but instead need to monitored on a constant basis. They usually like to project their insecurities and weaknesses onto others; in doing so, they hurt themselves. 

There are many lessons to be learned from Jahannam Flames; mostly that we always need to be vary of them. These are the types of people who will teach you some of the world's most valuable lessons on Freedom From Slavery. They are akin to the book by Maya Angelou; " I know Why The Caged Bird Sings". They are not able to break free from their vices, (Consider the 7 deadly Sins). They are also very hypocritical when it comes to their belief system. You could not count on them to count from 1 to 2 without messing up, and thinking about themselves. They usually bottom out by the age of 25, when their shitty personality sets in. I have also learned that Jahannam Flames are only in our lives for a little while. As the title reads, they are destined for Hell without Professional Help. Even God fails them, and turns it around on such a person; so as to teach them a valuable lesson. :p 

Hehe, but don't take such an anti-God Flame to heart. They are meant to be walked through so that we can get to our higher destination; Heaven. 

Signs That Your Have Met Your Jahannam Flame: 

1. They try to own and possess you; just like the Devil. 

2. They are full of shit; lies, under-achievement and addicted to getting validation of members of the opposite sex.

3. They have little to no savings. 

4. They think everything in life comes for free. 

5. They lack a Spiritual Backbone. 

Wondering why we get involved in such painful relationships? Why we enter into cycles of self-awareness with the Jahannam Flames? Consider it a gift from God; a way to reach Purification Of The Heart. These flames are not to be butchered. They are to be tended to, watered (so as to Quell the fire of Jahannam out of our hearts; See: Al-Qasas). These are mostly sheep, following blindly without a thought of recompense. And while they might quote Jesus or Bhudda, or even the promises of The Highest King, they actually have nothing to lose in life. They never bothered doing the real work, or becoming who they want to be. They are vindictive losers when it comes to Eternity. 

Lesson # 1: Don't Let Jahannam Win 

Lesson # 2: Jahannam is full of Emotional Orgies; Say No, No, No 

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Growth Flames: Good HouseKeeping Flame

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Growth Flames: Forest Flame

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Growth Flames: Country Flame

Journey Into Islamic Spirituality: Kaba Flame

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Growth Flames:GTA Flame

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Growth Flames: Jannah Flame

 This person is our biggest motivator to enter Paradise. It is usually our mother. It also can be dearly loves spouses, friends or even pets. 

Allah(Exalted Is He) Flame

The Conceptual Notions of Spiritual Growth Flames: Medusa Flame

Happiness is a Journey, Not A Destination

 Happiness is a way of being. Happiness comes from having a sense of belonging and purpose. Happiness comes from the opportunity to engage in things for which you have a passion. Happiness is the positive side effect of having a fulfilled and meaningful life. 

Here are some values you can incorporate to make sure you find happiness along the journey of life. 

Happy Journey :) 

1. Joy: 

2. Appreciation: 

3. Gratitude: 

4. Optimism: 

5. Satisfaction: 

6. Love: 

How To Stop Being On The Defensive

 1. Don't Evaluate Yourself on the Feelings Of Your Heckler: 

2. Break the Connecting Chains Between what others Say/Do/ Think and Your Own Self-Worth 

3. Apologising Behaviours where and apology is not due is a sickness

4. It invests control of one's feelings in another 

5. Break the Conditioning of Approval Seeking 

6. Make Death Your Personal Companion

Saturday, April 3, 2021

How To Make Life More Manageable

 1. Traffic:

2. Organization: 

3. Productivity: 

4. Full Faith In God: 

5. Practicing Compassion For Oneself: 

6. Minimalism:

7. Making Happiness and Well-Being A Top Priority: 

8. High-Value Goals:

9. Saving For Retirement:

10. Learning To Fight Alone: 

Unfortunately in life, not everyone will support you in your Dreams and Visions. Not everyone in our life is meant to stay. If you want something in life, such as a Dream Job or a nice house, you have to get it yourself. Don't count on a partner to save you.

The Sibling Rivalry: A New Outtake

I have been thinking about Sibling Rivalries a lot. How they form, and the Dysfunctional messes they create. Noone is stranger than the person unwilling to look at themselves in the mirror and grow up. We are each responsible for our own thoughts, actions and life journey. 

So, as you travel through this journey, and find yourself struggling in challenging Sibling Relationships, just remember it is never too late to change the way you deal with the Tough Stuff. 

 1. Goals: Should be mutually Inclusive of each other's needs, desires and wants.

2. Personalities: Often, siblings have clashing personalities. They need to work out their differences in private, preferably with a Licensed Psychologist or Holistic Psychiatrist, in the case of one or both of the Siblings dealing with Mental Illness. 

3. Situations: Our life is a trajectory full of Forests and Rivers, and tons of Clowns that we meet along the way who don't exactly value our well-being.n The best way to get through tough situations is to handle your portion of the responsibility or rights. It is always a good idea to refer to elders and resilient people, who have walked in your shoes. 

The Death That Shook My Life Apart

 Losing my mom was not easy. It felt like I could not Breathe. There was so much left unsaid, struggles and days where I would go without sleep, food and think of nothing but her passing. 

How To Network In Jannah

 I have been thinking a lot about Jannah. How it works, how we can get there and what we can do when we arrive?

Humans beings are looking to connect to God around every corner of the world. 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Good Book is No Longer Relevant To The Modern Muslims

Modern Muslims are no longer in need of the Good Book. They have technology, adequate resources and Peace Treaties to go off of. They have tons of resources available. Mental and Emotional Health is a top priority for the states and authorities of our day. 

Even with wildfire ideas such as Communist Revolutions, Dystopian WorldViews and Faulty Immigration Policies, we still can cling to a sane view of the world. Through exiting out of our limited perspectives and giving religion it's proper due and credit, in the safest way possible. There are however, many biases that come from both the Ummah and The Mullahs of today's society. Sometimes, even from the people in our very own homes. 

The Good Book is a great notion of an ever-lasting union with God. Sometimes, Unions fall apart so entire nations can be built. That in itself, is the most hope one can get in hopes of living in a free-world. But Democracy is not something that is covered in the Good Book. Thus, one can assert that God's interests are not tied up to the well-being of sovereign nations, but instead completely devoted to the Tyranny that keeps God on his Throne.

And while Good Muslims are not to sin against God, or fall out of the natural order of Good; they are required to place their priorities in the right order. While God gives us Security in provisions, if we obey his Command, he also pushes us to become the best versions of ourself. In the modern world, Religion is detached from the Political, Economic and Social Structures that regulate our lives. On top of that, there is the notion of Ambition and Self Actualization; a concept that can't even be placed on a scale of Good and Evil, because both terms are inherently inclusive of both Good and Evil. Everyone's idea of self-Actualisation and Ambition is different. This is a topic, heavily discussed in the Poem "Paradise Lost"by John Milton.

There has been so many critiques of Paradise Lost, focusing simply on Man's Disobedience To God. However, there is so much more to the nature of God and where He can be found in our heart. For man y people, this Truth has to be balanced out with their need for Self-Actualization and Fulfilment of their Ambition. 


For those of you who know this Sura, you are well-aware that this is the most powerful Surahs in the Quran. Yet, when you examine Ayat-Ul-Kursi upclose, and get into a discussion of it, the Surah begins to unfold it's layers like an onion. Ayat-Ul-Kursi is a great anti-didactic to what the current world is facing; affliction of the mind due to a society mired in materialism. 

This article will explain the meaning of Ayat-Ul-Kursi, it's origins, as well as the various Socio-Economic Cultural Forces that I have derived contending points from. In the end, whether we believe in Jesus or Allah, Muhammad or Mary, we are all accountable to explain ourselves to other people. 

Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining. Neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who could possibly intercede with Him without His permission? He ˹fully˺ knows what is ahead of them and what is behind them, but no one can grasp any of His knowledge—except what He wills ˹to reveal˺. His Seat1 encompasses the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of both does not tire Him. For He is the Most High, the Greatest.2  Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

We do not own anything or anyone. God has knowledge of all things, seen and unseen. 

God Is Writing Sketch Comedy

 Each and everyone of us is presented with tests in our life. We have to deal with Tests when whether we are male or female. Tests are a part of life, no matter how hard we fight against them. For a long time, I was concerned about the struggles and battles of life. Afraid that I could not get through them alone. I was scared reckless. I was recklessly abandoning myself with so much reckless abandon that I forgot Lana Del Rey existed. Then I went through something really tough. I split up with my fiancé, Sam of two and a half years. It was the hardest and most difficult loss of my life. I could not imagine living without him. But, his mother was just like my former best-friend's ex's mother. Just the mildest version of her to be honest. A crazy, narcissist, maniacal lesbian out to get me around every corner. I had to come clean and break off my engagement. 

Plus, he couldn't show up to my mother's funeral because he was too busy jerking off to porn. He has a sever porn and video game addiction. Just one of the many reasons we had to break up. And gosh, think about all the times you get disappointed at a guy for not making money, having manners, long-term goals, ambition, grace, kindness or enriching thoughts. He was actually the biggest loser (Unemployed Loser that is) that I had ever met in my life. Arn't all exes losers, when we look through the rear-view window? 

He was also very lazy. He said he was scared of driving and facing up to his father, who was also full of regrets and just as abusive, cynical and full of toxic self-deceiving lies as him. Their warped view of reality actually led to him having a neurotic, mental breakdown and he had to be hospitalised into a mental institution. I could have sworn he was Schizophrenic. In actuality, he was another of those fobby brown guys you see in Toronto, waiting for a pair of legs to stick their frustrations into. 

Anyways, so I got past all that and forgave myself for mistaking anyone for my own dad. And it's all in the past now. I have made tons of strides in my life, becomes closer to the Lord, and become more focused than ever on my future. 

In case you are going through something tough, such a Breakup or Mental Health Struggled, always remember to love yourself first. Always take care of yourself. Don't ever let go of the people who make your feel loved and supported through the tough journey of life. When you are at a loss of support or feel the walls caving in on you, breathe through it. And always, always remember: Grace gets us through the tough lessons of Leadership and Hardships.

Tell them, (O Prophet): "Let them rejoice in Allah's Grace and Mercy..." 

                                                                                                                 (Yunus 10:58)

The Mother Wound

 Many of us feel disconnected from our mothers since birth. It is an ache in us, that haunts us to our dying days. We feel the need for maternal warmth, the same way we need Food, Clothing and Shelter. Many of us are not lucky enough to receive it, due to the dysfunctional childhoods our own mothers have ended up seeing. 

As a result of this, the MotherHood Wound is highly prevalent in Society. This topic has been heavily discussed in society at large. Psychologists discuss this in detail, off and on, whenever they can. They have found the mother wound to be highly prevalent among masculine women, who are unable to love beyond production. This affects the bonding to their child, and all the emotional pay-offs they get from connecting fully to their off-spring. 

Here are some exampled of where The Mother Wound shows up in your life: 

1. You are always anxious around your mother. 

2. There are unspoken secrets, resentments and ways of relating that don't move the Mother Figure into a loving place. Albeit, both the mother and the daughter are aware of these patterns, and they over-look them in an effort to save the relationship. 

3. Love is held on the highest pedestal, therefore, it is out of reach. Perhaps for an Eternity. 

4. These relationships don't fizzle out, but without proper accountability, get more lopsided overtime. :) :) <3 

5. Breathing Room is always needed in order to accurately address The Mother Wound. 

Ar-Rahman Diaries (Part.1)

  People who lack Ambition hate on others. Often, they're sad that they missed opportunities in life, or never fully developed. They are often trying to forgive themselves for missing opportunities. 

Never be someone who isn't willing to take a risk. Live beyond attachments and fear of losing someone or something. Never be afraid to be vulnerable with yourself. Never Stop Believing. 

Never let go of anyone who helps you become a better person. :) <3 

Always find fulfilment outside of people, and never bite the hand that feeds you. xD 

How To Leave Duniya and Pursue Deen

 The focus of our live moves in many directions when we are unsettled. Our emotional worlds can be full of turbulence and chaos, if we neglect ourselves. To add to our woes, we are responsible for each and every individual we come across to provide some level of peace. That is, if we are true believers. This existential woe does not go unnoticed in any human. Every human being has a SuperHero Complex that they contend in multiple ways; whether they work hard in their career, 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Ram Power Wagon 75th 2021 : Redefine Performance

 I couldn't be more happier. I found love in a car. The wheels made my head spin. It was the most steady vehicle I had seen for a while. Then I got home, and started to muse and muse and muse some more.  I have never been one to slow down. This car catches my breath away. It has redefined my need to achieve, and go the extra mile. Which girl doesn't love a good catch?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

It Doesn't Matter What I Have On My Wrist, I Won't Feel Good Inside

 I feel so ugly inside. Even with all the clothes and shoes and two cars in my garage, I feel so empty and deprived of sanity. Life is a struggle and I am just so fucking done. 

Sometimes I wonder why other people are so Happy, then I realize that everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. I have left behind the past, the gloomy days but my student debt follows me around like a cat call. Why am I such a fucking mess?

I am so upset and absolutely on the verge of a Mental Breakdown. I have to contend myself on why I only run to God when I struggle? The truth of the matter is that I hate Capitalism and the way it degrades human beings into feeling like they are nothing but mechanical pieces achieving no end but that of becoming an empty void, instead of a vessel to be filled by the love and light of God. 

In hope of achieving a better outcome, I have stepped away from Society as a whole and decided to experiment and seek out answers to life's biggest questions; in fact, personalised answers that can only come about through taking on vows of poverty. As much as I fight against the current of society and change, I am truly fighting a battle deep within myself to go past all my hurts and griefs and become the person I am supposed to be. God has given every human being potential and talents to apply and the wisdom to know how to deliver them to the rest of humanity. But, I have realised the hard way that God cannot fix everything in us until we are willing to be our own helpmate. 

So with this new way of looking at my life, I have decided that faith will win.

It will win each and everyday until I have nothing left but a deep mired (MURRRRRRRR) of hatred and sickness for the Karma of Capitalism and it's negligent attitudes towards the souls who are truly in the purgatory of the real world, with no help, food or shelter. My vision keeps breaking me, instead of me breaking my vision. I am trying to fix the world. 

This is me.

This is Mind Control. 



How to Have A Spiritual Tornado: Make Peace with your need to have One

There is No Such Thing As Peace

How To Have A Spiritual Cyclone

Step 1. Get Rid of The Kids. Let the Father Take Care of Them 

Step 2: Get Away from the Husband. 

Step 3: Nurture Yourself and the People Who are in your life forever.

God Binds Shaitaan In Every Month, Not Just In Ramadan

Compassion For The Djinns (Pt. 1)

   In The Name of Allah,

The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful:

The world of the unseen is very much a part of a Muslim’s reality. We often neglect the unseen because we are very involved in our day to day lives.

I took this year to reflect on my Islamic Knowledge, particularly my curiosity for the unseen and the hidden gems and truths. Eventually, my love for the Quran and Hadith gave way to my soul journey. This journey, naturally made me dive deep into all of God's Creation. I had to find out everything I could about the one topic I loved; Demonic Possession. Demonic Possession to me was something I had been scarred by in childhood, due to the horror stories I heard about while growing up in Pakistan.

So I decided to overcome my fear of Demonic Possession by thinking like a Psychologist and figuring out what I was really afraid of. In my field study of the Djinns, I have found several reasons why they do not function in the same realm as Insaans.  In my field research, I saw Djinns trying to emulate a person and giving them a case of mistaken identity. At first, it seemed real. Like I was making love to a person. It turned out to be a Djinn. 

The Djinns created a lot of controversy. The Djinns were looking for their creator, just like everyone else. But this was the first time in my life, where I saw the world of the unseen and the seen mix together. The Quran specifies details about Humans and DJinns. However, no human can ever come close to interpreting why God made them from different substances, and why he never chose to let the two mix in the Seen World. The Unseen World is a whole different story. There was a lot to learn about the Djinns, and the unseen world was always beckoning at my front doorstep. I chose to conduct a thorough  Case Study to give my readers further knowledge about The World of The Djinns, and how we can come to build compassion for them. Last but not least, this case study is from an Islamic Perspective, meaning it is verifiable in the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent.

Surah Imran is a heavy, and controversial Surah of the Quran; covering the concept of Djinns. This is a Noble creation of God, made from fire. The Djinns are stronger than Humans. They are able to rest on any part of our body, whether it be the side of our thigh or the left of our clavicle bone. All in all, God created Djinns and Humans separately; they are not meant to intermingle unless without the decree of God. There are a lot of YouTube videos that discuss Black Magic and Shirk in Pakistan. People sell their souls to cast spells and love potions on each other. Men sit by idly on the streets, jumping at the chance to read The Holy Quran Backwards. There is also a great sense of pride that is taken by purchasers of these Love Potions. In reality, it is usually a male calling upon Demonic Forces and missing Djinns to get something that is not willed by God. This form of sorcery is known as Black Magic. Unfortunately, it can easily become an addiction. It can become one of our biggest vices. Addictions serve no purpose in Islam. Even with all the modern advances in self-help and psychology, there is little to no help for people who are addicted to trying to bind up their power with Djinns. This is the saddest truth. We cannot control the Djinns. But, in an effort to do so, we can end up becoming controlled by them.

God shows more Rehmah upon The Djinns than People. For good muslims, and even for the ones who are perhaps not the regular 5 Times A Day Prayers, you regularly see Djinns walking up and asking for Friendship with them. It is usually broken and lonely people, who have lost or misplaced their anchor to God; these are the people who are most heavily involved with The Djinns. At other times, Djinns can become Narcissistic Supply for Abusive Individuals, giving them a feeling of Superiority, feeding their insecurities all at the same time leaving them powerless and hopeless.

What can we do for such individuals?

You can only Pray and Do Ruqaya for them.

Apart from that, there's not much you can do for them.

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