Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Mother Wound

 Many of us feel disconnected from our mothers since birth. It is an ache in us, that haunts us to our dying days. We feel the need for maternal warmth, the same way we need Food, Clothing and Shelter. Many of us are not lucky enough to receive it, due to the dysfunctional childhoods our own mothers have ended up seeing. 

As a result of this, the MotherHood Wound is highly prevalent in Society. This topic has been heavily discussed in society at large. Psychologists discuss this in detail, off and on, whenever they can. They have found the mother wound to be highly prevalent among masculine women, who are unable to love beyond production. This affects the bonding to their child, and all the emotional pay-offs they get from connecting fully to their off-spring. 

Here are some exampled of where The Mother Wound shows up in your life: 

1. You are always anxious around your mother. 

2. There are unspoken secrets, resentments and ways of relating that don't move the Mother Figure into a loving place. Albeit, both the mother and the daughter are aware of these patterns, and they over-look them in an effort to save the relationship. 

3. Love is held on the highest pedestal, therefore, it is out of reach. Perhaps for an Eternity. 

4. These relationships don't fizzle out, but without proper accountability, get more lopsided overtime. :) :) <3 

5. Breathing Room is always needed in order to accurately address The Mother Wound. 

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