Friday, June 18, 2021

Hydration Woes: My Skin Is The Biggest Organ In My Body. And Yours too!!

 Hence, I use the following pre-cautions to cast off aging woes:- haunting the echoes of my bones as a Feminist 21st Century Rebel. 

1. Wearing Non- Comedogenic Babe 

2. Antibacterial 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide Lotion for your face. 

3. Not Popping Zits. 

4. Deep Cleansing My Pores Everyday. 

5. Always using a Humidifier. 

6. Wiping the phone with alcohol pads so as to remove dirt/possibility of cross-contamination. 

7. Using Unscented Soap 

8. Including Alpha Hydroxy Acid in Beauty Treatments. 

9. Elizabeth Arden Mattee Moisture Lotion + EA Oil-Control Refining Cleanser

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