I have a confession to make.
I am a sucker for the timeless art of writing letters.
I write love letters to myself all the time actually.
Writing letter to myself was something I started a few years ago to help encourage myself to grow more. I also love writing letters to friends and family to remind them of what they mean to me. I truly believe that writing handwritten letters is something that will never go out of style. In efforts to encourage you guys to show gratitude and goodwill towards your family and community, here are five tips on how to nail the art of handwritten letters.
1. Keep It Simple Stupid:
While it's nice to have someone ramble on and on about how much well-wishes they hold in their heart for you, trust me it gets boring FAST!! Cut the gooey crap and get to the meat of the greeting by keeping your greeting down to 5-6 lines max. This will save your recipient the headache of reading through a parchment, the size of the Dead Sea Scrolls, just to find out how happy you were that they got the job promotion or had a baby this year.
The only person this doesn't apply to is your spouse or significant other. In fact, do the exact opposite and write them an essay on all the ways they sparkled your life this year.
2. Personalize! Personalize! Personalize!

Kidding, don't put that on.
As seen in the picture beside this text, I attached Unicorn Stickers to the letters I am writing for my two best friends, because they are the most special girls on the planet. For me they are. You might have a brother or an aunt you are super close to. Try to think of some way to personalize the letter, either by drawing something that they are into (e.g., pets, Miami Beach) or make sure the note signifies you see all of them truly.
If you don't have a way to personalize, it means you either don't know that person well enough and should be booking a lunch date with them or not writing a letter PERIOD.
3. Schedule a Time Slot:
This goes without saying. Don't try to write meaningful, heartfelt letters while dinner is on the stove and there are 10 tabs running on the computer.
I mean, come on!!
The best you will come up with is reminding them that you are looking forward to the Christmas Dinner while completely forgetting to congratulate them on the big milestones they achieved that year. You truly have to empty your mind of all other contents in order to write meaningful letters.
4. Don't be afraid to Share Your Emotions:
If you had a disagreement with the person, or felt that they said something that rubbed you the wrong way, you can aways put it in writing. It comes off as more respectful and helps avoid further conflict. Just make sure to follow-up any complaint, resentment or aggravation you have with how much you still look forward to seeing them or clearing things out in person. Often the people worth writing handwritten letters to are also close enough to make bus question why we're writing these letters in the first place. It goes without saying that honesty should be an integral part of your entire life, including handwritten letters.
5. Seal It With A Kiss:
Or at least a superb signature. It is vital for you to learn the Art of Closing the letter with a well-intentioned signature so as to seal the deal, This shows intention and regard for the reader knowing that you were fully engaged and thoughtful when writing the letter from head to toe. It also ends the note on a soft not, showing the human side (aka. your imprint) to a stale piece of paper.