Friday, November 29, 2019

35 Tips for Frugal Living

1.  Build Habits that Focus on Production, rather than Consumption.

2. Make coffee at home (easier said than done).

3. Walk off Anxiety instead of relying on expensive medication.

4. Exercise to beat Depression instead of relying on expensive medication.

5. Take Free Financial Literacy Classes Online, so you are equipped with all the knowledge you need to retire.

6. Take the Bus instead of driving to work. Or any other tasks for that matter.

7. Save 10% of every pay check and put it away in a fund you won't touch for retirement.

8. Consider the costs and benefits of paying for milestones no one actually cares about as much you think they do. For example, having a luxury wedding when it's really not about the guests.

9. Consider using a food shelter if you have no money for food.

10. Rent a cheap basement room, or live with roommates to lower rent cost.

11. Cut out you cable and/or Netflix service.

12.  Buy Clothes from the thrift store or ask the church for donated clothes in times of need.

13. Learn to Cook.

14. Learn to Needle & Sew, so you can fix the wear and tear in your old clothes.

15. If you are a two-income household, go with one car.

16. Borrow books from the library instead of purchasing them.

17. Cut out drugs, alcohol and cigarettes from your diet.

18. Go out for lunch, instead of dinner dates.

19. Better yet, pack your own lunch and dinner.

20. Invest in home-mad DIT Skincare and Healthcare instead of relying on expensive products.

21. Always try to Price Match, especially in big retail chains such as Walmart.

22. Make your own birthday/holiday/special occasion greeting cards instead of spending money on buying them.

23. Clean out your fridge and freezer once a week to make a meal out of leftovers.

24. Try to go meatless at least once a week. Your arteries will thank you.

25. If possible, grow your own food.

26. Try to find the cheapest flights possible if travelling.

27.  Live a minimalistic lifestyle to avoid the temptation to shop and clutter your way into debt.

28. Get a cheaper cellphone plan.

29. Use less laundry detergent and wear clothes as many times as you can before washing.

30.  Sell you old clothes, jewelry, dishes, and other possessions that are in decent condition.

31. Invest in a juicer so you can make green smoothies at home instead of paying money for them.

32. Borrow make-up from friend or even strangers, if they have unopened extras, instead of purchasing it. Better yet, don't even bother wearing makeup.

33. Keep track of everything you purchase and review your receipts and statements at the end of every month.

34.  Consider not having kids. No, I'm actually serious.

35. Keep working and earning.

36. Be The Queen of DIY.

37. Sell your old stuff.

38. Have an emergency fund to cover 6-10 months of expenses.


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