Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Becoming Mirror To Our Individual Souls

It is tuesday morning and I am enjoying a hot cup of coffee with my brother.  He is off from school for the next three weeks and I finally have a day off work.

Life is calling us to get enmeshed in the process. However, the process can wait. For now, we are enjoying our steaming cup of coffee and sharing what's on our mind. The amount of depth in terms of conversation and pure company I enjoy with my brother has been unparalled. I appreciate it more as I get older. Today, there is an overlying truth that keeps turning in my head as he shares his fears and plans for working after graduation.

We are extremely good at soothing and helping in detecting the pain points of our loved ones. Their struggled and vulnerabilities become so easy to categorize and write a prescription for. However, it's not as easy to do this for our ownselves. We are often heavily dependent upon others to recognize our blindspots. This is not necessarily a weakness. In fact, it is a way to more spiritual and personal growth.

When we grow deeply in our interpersonal relationships, we slowly start embracing a solid sense of our inner vulnerabilities. As a result, we are able to deeply connect to other people through these vulnerabilities. This helps shine a mirror on our INTERNAL ISSUES, BAGGAGE AND CRAVINGS. Slowly, we realize that we all have so much more in common than we think. Even with the siblings who are going their own way with their lives.

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